søndag den 20. juli 2014

How is the food

Well Anton isn't to fond of it (yet),  we really hope he will be at some stage.  But for us it's good,  you don't use the same amount of salt as you would do in Denmark,  because everything is quite spicy,  they really love their chillies in Malaysia.  The kitchen is split between using mainly rice or noodles, and then mostly chicken or beef.  You can get pork,  lamb,  duck and mutton as well.  The prices are very reasonable being around 10 ringgit for a meal,  that's about 2 us dollars.  So if it weren't for Anton,  then we probably wouldn't cook as much ;-)
The names of the food doesn't really say anything about the contents,  so mostly we have been looking at pictures to figure out which dish to get.  But so far everything has been quite good and tasteful.
One dish that i(Jakob)  has grown quite fond of is Char Kway Teow, it a noodle dish with some brown gravi-like sauce that is quite strong,  it comes with spinach and then some kind of meat,  I'm still not really sure what is in it,  but it tastes really good :-)